It sometimes happens that you may work for a company that has a national or even international market, and operates from offices in different cities, states, or countries. What can also happen when you work for one of these big firms is that you may get promoted. That of itself is a good thing, because it means more money and more responsibility and is another step up the career ladder.
However, what can also happen is that your promotion means that you have to take over an office in somewhere such as Stamford, CT, or San Jose, CA, and that means that you have to up sticks and move. That’s fine if your promotion doesn’t start until next May, but what happens if your director says “OK, John, you will become branch manager on January 10th?
Suddenly you have an awful lot of things to do in a very short space of time, and how can you sell your home and move in the space of a month? It isn’t going to happen, because you have got to put your home on the market, find a buyer, sell it, and get the cash so that you can purchase a home in your new city. Even if you were lucky enough to find a buyer at the right price (and remember we have got Christmas coming up), that buyer is going to have to sell his own home, get a mortgage – it’s not possible!
What Are The Chances Of Finding Cash Home Buyers?
Well, it might just be possible if the buyer already had a buyer for his present home and didn’t need a mortgage, but what are the chances of finding cash home buyers in Plano, Texas? Just how many people are there who are cash home buyers in Plano, Texas, with enough cash to buy your house outright and without needing surveyors etc?
But what if you really could find someone who doesn’t need a mortgage, doesn’t need a surveyor, isn’t bothered about the fact that the roof needs fixing, doesn’t care that you painted the kitchen purple with yellow vertical stripes down the walls every two feet, and also has enough cash to do the deal before January 10th? Is there such a person?
Well, it might surprise you to learn that there is. We Buy North Texas Homes are cash home buyers in Plano, Texas, and will guarantee to make you an offer. That is correct. We have the cash in the bank – no matter how big your home – and we are not bothered about the roof or the kitchen. We guarantee to make you an offer – no matter what!
So give us a call and let’s get you started on the road to Stamford, San Jose, or wherever it is.